Apr 25, 2017
What does a week where the news douses us in a shower of smaller stories look like? Bree and Justin wring out of their clothes, shaking loose tales of metropolises in the planning, console features, anniversary parties, and dance studios. Maybe it won't flood the world of MMOs, but it definitely waters the lawns of our...
Apr 18, 2017
Do you want to date my space avatar? She's a star and she's hotter than a supernova by far. Or maybe you're a loony tooner? What's the socially acceptable way to reference your character in an MMORPG without coming across like some weirdo from another gaming era? Bree and Justin will devote their lives to figuring...
Apr 11, 2017
Since it takes a superheroic effort to put on a podcast every week -- so many words! so many Star Wars Galaxies references! -- Bree and Justin consider themselves in equal company with this week's superhero news and discussion. From Ship of Heroes to Marvel Heroes to City of Heroes, it's 300% of your RDA of spandex in...
Apr 4, 2017
Justin goes away to Disney for a week and the MMO world explodes with news, which is to be expected. From a controversial reboot to a controversial superhero return to a controversial patch, there's no shortage of ruffled feathers and quirked eyebrows at this past week's news roundup!
It’s the Massively OP Podcast,...