Jul 31, 2018
On this week’s show, Bree and Justin do a belly flop right into a big pool of superhero MMOs, news, and fan projects. City of Heroes may be dead and gone many years now, but its legacy still lives on in surprising ways!
It’s the Massively OP Podcast, an action-packed hour of news, tales, opinions, and gamer emails!...
Jul 24, 2018
On this week’s show, Bree and Justin celebrate MMORPG communities with how fantastic and passionate they can be (when they're not complaining, that is!) and how disturbing children can be (when they're not cuddling with you, that is!). There's a lot of praise in this episode for the redemption of No Man's Sky, better...
Jul 17, 2018
On this week’s show, Bree and Justin mull over how necessary it is to actually provide MMOs with those icky, wonderful girlie-types. They deliberately deliver a light-hearted episode after last week, full of funky fresh frivolity. Will gaming ever be fun again? It has to be!
It’s the Massively OP Podcast,...
Jul 10, 2018
On this week’s show, Bree and Justin cleans up after Guild Wars 2's PR disaster, chew over the survivability of Shroud of the Avatar, and commiserate about Camelot Unchained's delay. It's not all downer news -- there's some really great stuff happening in the MMO industry, and that makes an appearance on this...